Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Bill Maher show at the Chicago Theatre

Now I'm sitting in the famous Chicago Theatre about to see TBS' Just for Laughs tour. The comedian featured tonight is Bill Maher. Mr. Maher is a sharp tongued liberal and he hosts a controversial show on HBO. The Just for Laughs tour feature a number of famous comedians and tonight Bill Maher will be providing the entertainment at one of the most remarkable venues in the city.

The night was a huge success for Bill Maher. I had almost forgot that Barrack Obama was from Chicago and the full frontal attack on Republicans was well received in an enormous (and packed) theatre. Bill went after everyone in his 90 minute show. He attacked PROUD gun owners, and stated that he was a gun owner, just not a PROUD one. He compared being proud of gun ownership to being as ridiculous as someone being proud of their antibiotics. He compared Obama's treatment of the Republicans (Boehner, McConnell, Ryan, et al) as being a relationship like that between the Special Ed. teacher and student. He said Obama should be 'more black'. He skewered Palin, McCain, Romney, Fox News, the Drudge Report, Ann Coulter, Ted Nugent, Karl Rove, Peggy Noonan and said the Republicans are like the Beach Boys...all their fans are dying. He talked about Rick Santorum's choice of a sweater vest during his run at President. He said that Chris Christi would never be able to win the Republican nomination because he hugged Obama after Hurricane Sandy. He referred to the Tea Party as the Tea-Baggers and said that they surely were a racist organization that only took form after Obama became President. He talked about Donald Trump and the ferret living on his head (his hair). He lambasted folks who don't support gay marriage because they feared they might become gay. He ridiculed Catholics, Muslims and Mormons and talked about his movie Religilous which dealt with a plethora of different religious beliefs including his non-belief (atheism). He was always Politically Incorrect (just like the title of his show) and some jokes even caused the audience to say "Whoa" or "Awwww", but he was always engaging. Regardless of your political beliefs, he does have a great sense of timing and the audience was with him the whole way. I gave up my seat to a little old lady next to me, because she was behind a man with a giant head. I told her I'd sit behind him because I was taller and she refused at first and then I insisted right before the show started. So I saw most of the show through the curls of hair on this large-headed man. He also spoke about General Petraeus, Mormons again, Mitt Romney some more, Education, Gay Marriage, the legalization of marijuana, Marco Rubio and his quick water grab, Joe the Plumber, Defense Spending, the Military Industrial Complex, Mexicans, climate change, and Michelle Obama. Every time he was ridiculing the Christian Conservative folks of the U.S., he would speak in a Southern accent. I'm from the South, so associating people who talk slow with low intelligence is a little frustrating, but look at everyone else he attacked. He took no prisoners. He said he was pro-death, for assisted suicide, for non-assisted suicide, took pleasure when animals killed people because the person was probably messing with the animal and basically ended the show by stating that religion is about two things: Costumes and the fear of dying. He said the religious leaders dress up in such strange costumes (the Pope's pointy hat, staff & red shoes) that people are blown away by it and assume he must have some cosmic viability. As I stated earlier, regardless of your political beliefs (a few people left, they must have been Republicans), it sure was nice to sit in a giant theatre with thousands of people laughing for 90 minutes. Even if I wasn't laughing at all the jokes.

This is unrelated to the Bill Maher show, but this magazine Michigan Avenue was on the table when I checked in the hotel. I will be going to the first showing of David Schwimmer's play Big Lake, Big City on Wednesday night. I was the first person to get through to the box office on the day tickets went on sale and they first tried to tell me only members could buy now, but I pushed through and they allowed me to be the first ticket buyer for this show. I thought it was pretty cool he was on the cover of the magazine promoting the show I'll be seeing in 3 days.


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